Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Royal Mile, London and NC - Week 4 (April 2010)

The weather sure has been nice for me so far, still not as warm as America but not too cold either. Thankfully this allowed me to take mum and dad out to Windsor where we went for a wonder, shopping and then we had a picnic on the beautiful grounds of Windsor Castle – they didn’t stop smiling which was great!
Yippee my desk has finally arrived at home so now I have an office set up which is perfect, put all of my personal touches on it so now I can always see the people dear to me when I am working :)

I just love how God puts people in your life; He always knows what He is doing. Just before I left NC I met some people who were neighbours of some very close friends who were also happening to move out to the UK for sometime – small world – right? So off up to London I went to meet up with them. First time I had been in London for a long time but will certainly be going back especially to go shopping! We had a wonderful time together and am thoroughly looking forward to seeing them again and more sites of London.

The ash cloud finally left the UK air space so that meant that people could at last get back to their homes. It also meant that Kerryn and Jenny from NC could touch down! Was wonderful to see them and I got to be a bit of a tourist guide heading back to Windsor to go for a walk down the mile, round the castle and then enjoy a typical British dinner of fish and chips. And yes I got a goodie bag from people in NC – see the pic below!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Everything is blooming plus a volcano! - Week 3 (April 2010)

Time now does seem to be moving a bit quicker. You could say I have settled back in more and have certainly got used to driving on the other side of the road – phew for everyone else on the British roads!

This week was a time for me to see where I could help people as God has blessed me with so much I want His light to shine to others and for them to receive His joy. I volunteered at a local homeless shelter (SHOC – Slough Homeless Our Concern) for a morning to help serve food, donated some clothes and spread God’s message of love, hope and joy. When you hear the peoples stories it certainly humbles you and makes you even more thankful for all you have, not everyone is as lucky as us. Signed up to be there once a month if not more.

We all know how much I LOVE horses and I am now going to be volunteering most Saturdays at the Horse Trust ( which is the oldest horse charity in the world and was established in 1886.

One major event that happened this week that has now impacted most of the world is the eruption of a volcano in Iceland which has caused all flights to be completely grounded. It’s a first in the history of England that all airports and flights were closed; we have never known the skies so empty. Praying for all the thousands of people this has affected over the world, as right now, 5 days into this event there are still no signs of when flights will begin again.

Mum and dad are also getting used to me living under the same roof once more – yes I am sure it’s a shock for all of us!
Love to everyone in NC – miss you all and can’t wait to see you!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Spring has nearly sprung - Week 2 (April 2010)

Well we actually got some sunshine this week – hooray!!! Things are a bit more settled and I am getting used to working from home and also going into the office. Seems to be when at home though a lot of biscuits and tea find their way into my room…………………..

Able to catch up with some dear friends which was lovely, always a blessing when you see a child born into a family, how they grow up and the loving family bond created, yes children sure keep you busy! Also ate my first British curry since being back, let’s say there wasn’t anything left on the plate, I forgot how much I like curry!

With the beautiful weather being outside was a must this past week. Miss ‘healthy’ here has now joined a gym and bought a bike to go cycling – let’s see if I remember how to ride a bike shall we! Some good family time had where I took mum and dad to Burnham Beeches so they could enjoy the beautiful scenery and fresh air.

I went to a new church this Sunday and its one where the vision very much aligns with Mt Zion’s vision, the message was ‘Share the hope you have and don’t be afraid to tell your story’. There were 29 different nationalities represented at church. It’s been amazing to me since being back how many signs I have seen of confirmation that this move was right and God is right here with me. Every single day I have seen butterflies in many forms, either outside in the open and stretching their wings with such joy and beauty or even inside any shops I have been too on clothing, books, house hold items and many many more. God knows how much I love butterflies and He has allowed me to see one every single day :)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Touch down in UK - Week 1 (April 1st 2010)

Well here I am back in the UK and living here for a year, 6 years after I left to go and live in the US - where has time gone?!! While it was hard to leave my extended family and friends who I had become so close to I knew this was a move I had to make.

Does it seem weird being back....................... YES! I have grown up and changed alot since my move to America, but above all the biggest change is that God saved me and I am now part of HIS family :) None of us know what God has planned for our journey and lifetime, however we know that He knows the plans He has for us - for that I am forever thankful to know He shall always have us in His loving arms of protection.

My first week was mainly adjusting to being back and living with mum and dad again - home cooked meals here we come :)!!!! Finding my feet in work and going back into the office I last was in years ago was certainly an experience but all in a good way.
This weekend was Easter weekend, missed not being with my Mt Zion family but was able to Live Link into their service plus went to a new church in the UK. Oh and with fact I am in England we got a 4 day weekend for Easter!!!

One of the hardest parts of this move was leaving all the people who were so close to me as well as my horse Guto. But he is in such a lovely barn and they have sent me videos of him!!!