Monday, July 5, 2010

Oxford fellowship and another month nearly gone already – Week 13 (June 2010)

After all we did last weekend this week/weekend was taken a little slower. The weather is being really nice to us right now and allowed us all to have lots of cups of tea in the garden.

Also the time of year for Wimbledon, (, so dad was happy watching his tennis while eating strawberries and cream – after all it’s a Wimbledon tradition! Mum and I had a girlie shopping time in Windsor which was nice and whoops we managed to stop and get a traditional Mr Whippy ice-cream, yum yum!
On Sunday I was in Oxford all day fellowshipping with Ridgeway Community Church ( and bringing God’s word in their service. A lovely day had and being set amongst the countryside and seeing nature in its element was perfect.
Jenny from NC was over too so we got to go out and she kindly bought me some more oreo's!!!


  1. How did the speaking engagement go at Ridgeway?

  2. Well I went thinking i would be speaking about one thing and God changed it last moment! He was in total control as HE always is :) Looks like I am back at Ridgeway in August

  3. Yes, He does that some time! :-) I'm glad that it well and you get the opportunity to go back.
