Friday, July 16, 2010

Race for Life 5K, horse time, London trip and rest! – Week 15 (July 2010)

No sooner did I recover from the half marathon it was time for mum and me to join over 2500 other women for the Windsor Race for Life in aid of Cancer research. Something mum never thought she would participate in but I was so proud of her finishing the 5K – we both had a lovely time and decided we deserved some ice-cream afterwards!

Horses were around a lot this week for me with checking on my friends horses and helping out at the RDA and continuing to train a horse which shall hopefully be used for RDA come September.

Work was a busy, busy one this week and I had a trip to London mid week. Guess who managed to get lost…………eventually found the correct street I was looking for but think I walked miles to get to my destination! Nice to be in London, the hustle and bustle does remind me a lot of NYC.

Had aimed to start going back to the gym more as I finally have clearance from my doctors after my bike accident in May – praise God. But it seems like I needed to rest as on both occasions I should have gone to gym in the evening I fell asleep early………. Whoops!

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