Dad’s chest infection had suddenly turned into double pneumonia but he was in the right place and where God had intended for him to be. During the next few days we had many ups and downs with dad’s health and one day the doctor’s prepared us for the worst – but it wasn’t Gods timing then. God gave us 4 more days with dad where we got the see the dad we all knew and loved, full of smiles and finally not in pain.
At just gone 8am on Wednesday 22nd September God called dad home into His loving arms of protection and perfect peace.
God took the strength of a mountain, The majesty of a tree, The warmth of a summer sun, The calm of a quiet sea, The generous soul of nature, The comforting arm of night, The wisdom of the ages, The power of the eagle's flight, The joy of a morning in spring, The faith of a mustard seed, The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family need, Then God combined these qualities, When there was nothing more to add, He knew His masterpiece was complete, And so, He called it ... "DAD”
The depth of a family need, Then God combined these qualities, When there was nothing more to add, He knew His masterpiece was complete, And so, He called it ... "DAD”
Mum and I got to experience such special moments with dad just as he passed, they are moments we will never forget – WE LOVE YOU DAD ‘For you have a very special place in my heart’ Philippians 1:7